Wednesday, May 21, 2008

America's Roadways

We were at the Tulsa Mayfest last week. In all the traveling we have done across the midwest, I do believe that Oklahoma ranks as the #1 Worst Roads. I understand that it takes a lot of money and manpower to keep roadways in good repair. I understand that winter is hard on roadways. We were also in Tulsa about a year ago, and road conditions were just as bad then. From the Interstate, to State highways, to Tulsa streets, this is some rough driving!

The assortment of artwork at Mayfest was, without a doubt, the best assortment I have seen. There are some really talented people out there! The people were very appreciative of all the artists. The Mayfest committee is to be commended for their hard work and dedication. And thank you to all the volunteers who took care of the artists.

School is over for my wife. She managed to get a B in her dreaded algebra class and graduated "in absentia" last week.

Hummingbird fact for today: Hummers produce one brood per season and the males are not involved in raising the brood. A penny would cover 3 hummingbird eggs but there are usually only two in a brood. Eggs hatch in about 2 ½ weeks. It takes about 3 weeks for the chicks to leave the nest.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Orange for an Oriole

Because a lot of visitors to our booth have inquired about oriole feeders, I researched and developed a style of feeder that makes providing an orange-half for orioles (and other fruit-eating birds) easy and fun. I had never actually tried one myself, though. After observing both a Baltimore oriole and an orchard oriole at the hummers' nectar feeders this week, I made a simple orange holder and put it on the front porch. In no time at all the orange-half I put out was discovered! This morning I observed the Baltimore oriole for a while as he enjoyed his special treat. What a gorgeous bird!

We had a fabulous weekend at Artsfest in Springfield. The weather was perfect and thousands of people came out to enjoy the wonderful variety of art that was available. It's rained nearly every day since then though, with more predicted this week. We're working like crazy to replenish our inventory for Tulsa's Mayfest next week. And, after her final on Tuesday, my wife will have completed all requirements for her AA degree! At least we think so. She still doesn't have her final grade in the dreaded Algebra class.

Hummingbird fact for today: Hummers have poor night vision and don’t like to fly in the dark.