Terrie and I never cease to be amazed at our wondrous country! The shows we did in Henderson, NV, Litchfield Park, AZ, and Tucson, AZ, weren't that great, but driving across our great nation was astonishing! Oh, we met wonderful people, both customers and artists, and sold feeders and other items, but seeing what is in our great country overpowers any and all shows.

On the way home we drove through the White Sands National Monument and were again in awe. We had a chuckle in Roswell, NM. We absorbed the history in Dodge City, KS. Seeing the ocean off the California coast reminds us that there IS a greater being. Being with family reminds us of our ties to the past and to the future. The United States of America is a fabulous country and the people who "fly over" miss so damn much! From ocean to mountains to desert - from grasses to sauguaro cacti to scrub to wilderness and timberland - think of how our ancestors felt when seeing these things on their treks across the land in their wagons. It boggles the mind!
Now we're back in Missouri and gearing up for spring and summer shows. Needless to say, we found glass in our wanderings that is just waiting to be turned into functional garden art. And we're ready to create! After we catch up with 4 weeks of mail...........
Hummingbird fact for today: Using pesticides on your garden is NOT a good idea when you have hummers.