Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Working Vacation

We just got back home from the Craftsmen's Fair in Gatlinburg, TN. We set up our booth in an air-conditioned convention center and then "went to work" for ten days at the Fair. We stayed within walking distance so for 10 days our world consisted of that little part of town. After spending 10 days in one spot waiting for customers to come by, I know that I could NEVER run a store. Maybe it would be different if, when no customers are present, I could disappear into my studio and create.........

One nice thing about doing a show like this is that all the cares and worries of home are left behind. Nothing existed outside the show and that was a welcome relief. We arrived back home expecting to see nice new ceilings in the house, the result of repairs necessitated by the storm damage. We found nice new ceilings. We also found a nice mess. We had talked about replacing the carpet. The contractor has seen to it that we now have no choice in the matter - the carpet will have to be replaced. Needless to say, Terrie is not overjoyed at the thought of continued upheaval. She was looking forward to finally getting back to normal around the house and now that won't happen for a while yet.

We met some wonderful artists in Gatlinburg. Talent was abundant at this show. It is truly amazing to see the talent and skills of people. Imported crap might cost less, but it lacks the craftsmanship, pride, and love of creation that is found in hand-created items. I heard it put this way - The quality remains long after the price is forgotten.

Hummingbird fact for today: White hummingbirds are rare in North America but some albino hummers are occasionally seen. Full albinos have white skin, bill, and feathers and red eyes.

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